Menopause Talking Therapy & Menopause Support Groups

A practical holistic healthcare approach for organisations. A well-being initiative that can be tailored to your specific requirements and easily integrated into the organisation.

Knowledge, guidance, and support, all in one safe space

An accessible in-person or online solution

Delivered by a team of highly experienced Menopause Doulas

Easy to implement menopause benefits

We deliver a simple and effective to support your teams with menstrual and menopause health in the workplace. Our team of Menopause Doulas take a whole-person approach to menopause care, offering guidance, support, and nurturing throughout the entire timeline—from menstruation to perimenopause and beyond.

Recent studies show that

42% of women consider quitting work because of their symptoms

29% of menopausal women said their self-confidence was impacted at work

28% of people said they were worried that menopause made them look incapable of doing their job

An integrated approach across life stages

Menopause care is a vital resource, but imagine the benefits if all female employees could access advice and support for menstrual health through a comprehensive, 360-degree approach. Workplace well-being programs that include early intervention opportunities are proven to improve long-term health outcomes, which will evolve into a positive impact across the whole business.

A common challenge

While having a menopause policy is a significant step forward, it may unintentionally exclude individuals outside the perimenopausal profile. In companies with a diverse workforce, it’s essential that anyone who menstruates, regardless of their age or stage on the menstrual health timeline, has access to the same adjustments and support.

the benefits are clear

Choose a formula that works best for you and your teams

The latest BSI standards recommend that larger companies consider appointing Menopause Champions. In cases where having an appointed member of staff may not be feasible, we provide a flexible solution with our dedicated, outsourced menopause advocates.

ongoing monthly access to menstrual health awareness resources

group support sessions

self-referred personalised menopause care

All delivered by our team of experienced Menopause Doulas.

Start your journey today

The people who do our training are changing the way others learn, talk and think about menopause.

To request more information please email: [email protected]

IPHM accredited training provider

Membership No: IPHMNC13018

The Menopause School is an accredited training provider for the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM).

  • This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing exceptional education in the field.

  • Students who enrol in our IPHM-accredited courses can be assured of receiving high-quality instruction that meets international standards.

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