Training Course Options

Learn to Guide, nurture and support others

For holistic health & wellness professionals.


The Menopause Doula Course

Guide, nurture and support others

You will learn the power of:

  • creating confident conversations

  • the menstrual health timeline method

  • enabling your clients to make informed choices


Decoding Menopause

A Menstrual Health Informed Program

You will learn the power of:

  • viewing menstrual health with a lifetime lens

  • why menstrual health is the precursor to menopause health

  • designing a menstrual health-friendly environment


Fiona Catchpowle

Creator & Founder of the Menopause School

Passionate about all things Menstrual & Menopause Health.

"I have been an adult educator for over 30 years, Holistic Therapist and Biology Teacher. At no point was I taught the essentials of menstrual health, which I have now come to realise is the most important knowledge someone who menstruates needs to learn to be enabled and empowered to make informed decisions on how best to live a healthy, vibrant life. The Menopause School is now bringing these tools to everyone.

Our Methodology

Our training will take your knowledge and understanding of menopause health to a place that is very different from other courses.

Before we can support people we need to educate them

You can’t manage what you don’t understand.

We give you tools to teach others about menstrual and menopause health.

Once they have the information they need guidance

People who menstruate have never had a lesson on what it means to their health and well-being to have a physiology that works in a special kind of way. We give you a method to follow and resources to make that possible.

Ongoing support may be short bursts of time and information or something quite different.

As each person's experience on the menstrual health timeline is different, so is the support they need.

We give you a framework to continue inspiring them to take their next best step.

Tools & Resources

Client focussed educational resources

Ready to use client support materials

Presentation Templates


A thriving professionals-only community

Lifetime access to ALL content

Ongoing Postgraduate Support for FREE

What our Students say

Candi Williams Tarling

Fiona's language made it accessible, her knowledge made it fascinating and her personal experience made it real. I was in awe.


Karise Berry

I appreciated the whole workshop experience. I feel empowered to not only support patients but also gain more awareness of my menstrual health.


Ewa Dubiel

Thank you for this journey especially with you, for your guidance, for providing tips, and for little pushes when it was needed. You are a great leader.



School Prospectus

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